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POLL: Which of the Two Women Responsible for the Launch of Chandrayaan 2 Will Be Played by Akshay Kumar in the Movie?

By Team Rayon Updated: July 23, 2019 at 7:22 am 0 Comment

India’s lunar exploration mission, Chandrayaan 2, has been successfully launched, making this a huge victory for India’s space programme. This remarkable feat was made possible by two women of ISRO, who led the mission to success.

Electronics engineer Muthayya Vanitha was the Project Director, and Ritu Karidhal was the Mission Director for the launch. Now the most pressing question that’s on everyone’s mind is which of these two women will Akshay Kumar choose to play in the movie he is inevitably going to make about Chandrayaan 2?

In his upcoming movie Mission Mangal, Akshay Kumar plays the Mission Director responsible for India’s Mars exploration mission. In a series of Tweets, the actor announced that he is developing a script based on the lunar mission, which led to fans wondering which of the two most prominent names form the mission would Akshay play?

“It would have been easy if they were men, but they’re not. Akshay has a long road ahead of him,” said close friend and confidant Twinkle Khanna.

Take this poll to cast your vote as to which woman should Akshay choose to portray onscreen…